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Recent Speech by the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu

By Ssekanjako Deus
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Mr. Nethanyahu said: "Only 70 years ago the Jews were led to the slaughterhouse like sheep. 60 years ago we had no country or army. Just a few hours after its creation, seven Arab countries declared war on our small Jewish state.


We were only 650 Jews against the rest of the Arab world, without any Israel Defense Army (IDF). No powerful air force, just brave people. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, they all attacked us at the same time. The country that the United Nations gave us was 65% desert. The country was in nowhere! 35 years ago we fought against the three most powerful armies in the Middle East, and we swept them away, yes... in six days.


We have fought against various coalitions of Arab countries, which had modern armies and many Soviet weapons, and we have always defeated them!

Today we have:

*A country

*An army

*A powerful air force

*A State whose economy exports millions of dollars

*Intel - Microsoft - IBM develops products for the whole world.

*Our doctors receive awards for medical research.

*We have numerous Nobel Prize winners in all areas.


We have made the desert bloom, we sell oranges, flowers and vegetables to everyone. Israel has sent its own satellites into space! Three satellites at the same time! We are proud to be in the same range as: the United States, which has 250 million inhabitants.


Russia, which has 200 million inhabitants, China which has 1.3 billion inhabitants. Europe (France, Great Britain, Germany), with 350 million inhabitants. Those are the only countries in the world that send objects into space! Israel is now part of the family of nuclear powers, with the United States, Russia, China, India, France and Britain.


We have never officially admitted it, (but everyone knows it): only 60 years ago, they led us, ashamed and desperate, to sacrifice! We have the smoking ruins of Europe fresh and we won our wars here with less than nothing.


We have built our little "Empire" from nothing. Who is Hamas to want to scare us, to intimidate us? You make us laugh! Easter was celebrated; Let's not forget what it is about. We have survived Pharaoh. We survived the Greeks. We have survived the Romans. We have survived the inquisition in Spain and the pogroms in Russia. We have survived Hitler. We have survived the Germans. We have survived the Holocaust. We have survived the armies of seven Arab countries. We have survived Saddam. We will continue to survive today's enemies as well.


Think about any other time in human history! Think about it: for us, the Jewish people, the situation has never been better! Let's face the world. Let us remember: all the nations or cultures that once tried to destroy us, today no longer exist and we still live! Egypt? The Greeks? Alexander of Macedonia? The Romans? Does anyone speak Latin these days? And the Third Reich?


And look at us: Bible Nation the slaves of Egypt, we are still here. And we speak the same language! Before and now!

The Arabs don't know it yet, but they will learn that there is a God! long as we maintain our identity, we will be here forever! So we apologize for not worrying. For not crying. For not being afraid. Things are good here.


They could certainly be better. However: don't believe the media because they don't say that parties are still happening, people are still living, people are still going out, people are still going out to see their friends. Yes, our morale is low. Because?


Only because we mourn our dead, while others rejoice in the spilled blood. That's why we're going to win in the end. He never sleeps or will never sleep...the guardian of Israel...HaShem, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


Forward this speech to the entire community, and to people around the world. They are part of our strength. Share it with all your friends and with everyone who does not know the Truth.... ??????????


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